Every Baby and Story is Unique!

Step 1: Ready to achieve a VBAC?

Start your new story by Enrolling Today! Combine wisdom & education, so you can prevent complications while promoting a healthy, positive and empowering birth. Trust the new story by writing and making plans, preparations and progress toward a new and celebrated birth.

Begin Your Success Journey Today!

Pregnancy & Birth: Empowering Ownership

    1. 🌻A Special Message from Your Midwife, Kaleem Joy

    2. 💟Essential Tools to Creating Your Best Journey(5:35)

    3. 💟Download: VBAC Your Success Map- What to watch and when

    4. 💟 Download Please: Natural Childbirth 101 E- Booklet

    5. 💟BONUS Download: Affirmations Pregnancy, birth and beyond Audio(Please Download)

    6. 💕BONUS Download: Connecting with Your Baby Audio Meditation ( 8:26)

    7. 😃 Optional Download: Insurance Reimbursement Instructions Form

    1. 💕 Part One: VBAC - Very Brave And Confident (50:19)

    2. 💕Part Two: VBAC – Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (16:47)

    3. 💕VBAC-Fun Reflection Worksheet

    1. Ch 1: What Path Will You Choose for You and Your Baby? (25:29)

    2. Ch 2: Care Providers and Places of Birth : Do You Know Your Options? (14:08)

    3. Ch 3: Prenatal Care, Tests and Ultrasounds (10:32)

    4. CH 4: Connecting with Your Baby (10:23)

    1. Ch 5: Nutrition and Supplements (27:02)

    2. 👉Purpose Within Pregnancy Quiz #3

    3. Ch 6: Creating Comfort in Pregnancy (23:46)

    4. Ch 7: Essential Body Basics: Stretching, birth ball and creating a flexible pelvis for progressive birth( 25:23)

    5. 👉Purpose Within Pregnancy Quiz #4

    6. 💟Purpose within Pregnancy-Fun Reflections Worksheet

    1. Ch 1. Visualization: Your Journey Through Birth (9:54)

    2. Ch 2. Your Body’s Wisdom (12:02)

    3. 👉Trust Within Birth Quiz #1

    4. Ch 3. Labor Progression (15:23)

    5. Ch 4. The Purposeful P’s of Birth : Why They Matter (18:57)

    6. 👉Trust Within Birth Quiz #2

    1. Ch 5. Supplements for Birth: Promoting Ripening and Prevention of Postdates (5:22)

    2. Ch 6. Emotional Connection with Birth: A Willing Mindset (25:40)

    3. Ch 7. Newborn's: tests, exams and decisions (15:55)

    4. Ch 8. Creating Your Birth: let's bring it all together (6:51)

    5. 💕Trust within Birth- Fun Reflection Worksheet

VBAC- Very Brave And Confident

  • $189.00
  • Bonus: Partners Journey
  • Plus:Empowerment Affirmations
  • Plus:Calm Confidence Meditation

Ready To Take The Next Step ?

YES!!! Step 2: Choose your payment option


  • How is this class different than regular birth classes?

    Pregnancy is covered to increase the preparation and success for your vaginal birth. Prevention of complications is essential to help your journey be more positive, progressive and rewarding.

  • Will the birth class cover both natural and medicated birth option?

    Yes, natural birth is covered to help reduce the risk of complications that can result in surgery. In the Medical Interventions video, you can learn about epidurals, what they are, why they are used and when they are beneficial.

  • What if I am having an out of hospital birth with a midwife?

    Wherever you plan to give birth and use as your care provider, your education will guide you in the core of how birth works, ways to work with it, and supporting your mindset for success. This class especially supports your desire for a VBAC Home, Birth Center or Hospital.

  • How long do I have access to watch and rewatch the class?

    You have a 6 month access to help you prepare and refresh for your birth. If you need more time, just ask!

Additional Class Options

Save $45 off the Regular Price When You Buy Now

  • Clarity within Breastfeeding and Postpartum

    Feel supported knowing what to expect from birth to 6 weeks postpartum for yourself and your baby. Be educated in the basics with breastfeeding so you feel confident and calm as you and baby learn to do a new dance with each other.


    Access Now
  • Intact verse Circumcision: Making informed decisions

    Parenting comes with making informed decisions regarding your baby. Becoming educated in benefits and risks of medical procedures is a great way to start.


    Access Now