Trust within Birth
Are you ready to achieve an empowering and confident birth? Home, birth center, or hospital.
Learn, Design, Plan, and Achieve! Proven and Trusted Education for Success.
Class Mechanics
💟Introductions: Creating Your Best Journey(5:35)
💟Download: Your Success Map Week-by-Week Outline - What to Watch and When
💟BONUS Download : Natural Childbirth 101 TRUST WITHIN BIRTH E-Booklet (Please Download)
💟BONUS Download: Affirmations for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond (Please Download)
💕BONUS Download: Connecting with Your Baby Audio Meditation ( 8:26)
😃Insurance Reimbursement Instructions Form: Download Optional
👍Basic Supplements List
👍Essential Body Basics ( Bonus Video from the pregnancy Class) ( 25:23)
FREE PREVIEWCh 1. Visualization: Your Journey Through Birth (9:54)
Ch 2. Your Body’s Wisdom (12:02)
👉Trust Within Birth Quiz #1
Ch 3. Labor Progression (15:23)
Ch 4. The Purposeful P’s of Birth (18:57)
👉Trust Within Birth Quiz #2
Ch 5. Supplements for Birth (5:22)
Ch 6. Emotional Connection with Birth (25:40)
Ch 7. Newborn's: tests, exams and decisions (15:55)
Ch 8. Creating Your Birth: let's bring it all together (6:51)
💕Trust within Birth- Fun Reflection Worksheet
🤓Intact verses Circumcision: Parents making informed decisions (33:31)
🤓Intact verses Circumcision: Informed parents- Fun Reflection Worksheet
🍿Partner's Journey (1:25:28)
🍿Partners Journey- Fun Reflection Worksheet
🤔Medical Interventions (27:40)
🤔Medical Interventions Fun Reflection Worksheet
🎉 Share your experience 👍
Step one: Take a positive step in creating your empowered journey toward the birth you desire.
Gain a sense of trust, love and safety in how birth works. - physically, mentally and emotionally .
Promote oxytocin and minimize adrenaline in labor to create a confident birth.
Eliminate or reduce complications such as: interventions, tearing, inductions, and surgery.
Understanding options and informed decision making with newborn medical procedures
What to expect and choices to make for your baby in the first hours and days after birth.
Bonus Material: Partners Journey: Embracing your special role, avoiding rescue syndrome, support for your role through labor/birth and beyond, and welcoming your new baby
Bonus Material: VBAC, Medical Interventions, Intact vs Circumcision
Step Two: Enroll Today to Achieve Your Best Experience
Limited Time Offer
3 Easy payments of $67
Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Breastfeeding, Partner's Journey. Full Year Access!
Achieving your best birth starts with premium education which includes: pregnancy, labor & birth, breastfeeding and postpartum through 6 weeks. Building confidence while growing your baby. The more you know the easier your journey . Celebrate!